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More about us!


My name is Travis Wing and together with my wife Linda own Against All Odds LLC! 

Wood working in any shape or form has always been close to my heart. Coming from the north and growing up in the mountains, it comes naturally for me. 

Working close to nature in the fresh outdoors is a luxury to us

that can’t be described.

When we decided to get Against All Odds started, both of us

was still working fulltime with an average of 60-80 hours a week.

Not only that but we worked rotating shifts, mostly

12 hours a day, which means that we hardly saw each

other or our daughter.

Although we made good money, we felt that we were sacrificing our

family, missing out of the milestones and family gatherings.

We basically went home to sleep and then head back to work and

we started to feel more strongly that this is no way to live, especially

when you have a child and that the hours we put in for someone else

would be better spent working for ourselves.

We always had a plan back in our heads to start up our own business.

But the timing was never right. My passion for woodworking grew stronger, the need to be outdoors, working together with my family, building something for ourselves basically took over and we made the jump. We left our jobs and decided to devote ourselves full time to make our business going!

That was in 2019!












Today we have expanded our business and our family and although we are still working as hard as ever, we do have the choice and the luxury to plan and manage our work around our family and all of those things that matters in life. 

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Against All Odds!

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